Salutes, Salutations and Symbolism

As much as I'm trying to avoid it, I really want to stay out of US politics, at the moment. But here we are.

Elon Musk's Nazi salute (twice!) has simply done my head in. No amount of gaslighting or reinterpretation of events can suggest that it means anything other than that which is obvious. This is the nature and power of symbols. The Nazi salute is an entirely offensive symbol, illegal in many countries, and the richest person in the world should know what it is, what it means, and never, ever do it again.

To emphasise this point, the same symbolism was used in early Salvation Army ceremonies such as the dedication of a child. Imagine, if you will, a moment in the ceremony when the Officer in charge says these words...

"Those who will pray for these parents and for this child, and, in every way they can, help them to carry out the promises made this day--Bayonets--Fix!"

Now, picture a hall full of people wearing the same uniform, all raising their right hand, in a fixed position, above their shoulders in response to this call. Can you see it? Can you imagine it? What does it look like?

Whilst the meaning was much different in the late 1880s when this formed a regular part of Salvation Army worship, in a post-World War II world, this symbol simply cannot mean the thing it meant before. It means one thing and one thing only.
It is a Nazi salute.
This is why it can no longer form part of Salvation Army worship today and it is also why anyone who suggests that Musk's use of this symbol was something other than a Nazi salute is simply wrong. The symbol has only one meaning now. It is not a Roman salute or Musk giving his heart to the crowd. Even appeals to autism as a defence are misguided and offensive to those who go their entire lives living with autism and manage to never perform a Nazi salute.
We are in an age where we are being gaslit on an international scale by those with immense power and privilege. 
It is incumbent upon those who see and experience it to call it out, loudly and persistently. 


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