Running For a Cure

As you may be aware I'm currently in training for my first half marathon. I only started running seriously in January this year until I realised that all the excuses I had were only preventing me from getting the most out of life. I'm using this run as an opportunity to raise funds for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Last night this report was aired on Australian television about some exciting new research into a vaccine that, it is hoped, will prevent Type 1 Diabetes. What I appreciated in this story was the fact that it recognised that Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes may "look" very similar in their symptoms but are, in fact, different diseased. The first an autoimmune disease, then second brought on by a combination of lifestyle factors and genetics. Type 1 is incurable meaning anyone with this disease (under current medical treatments) will never stop requiring daily insulin injections or insulin pump therapy. Those with Type 2 have the hope of reducing or even eliminating the disease altogether through changes in their lifestyle (loss of weight, regular exercise and better diet). 

As one who has Type 1 diabetes myself (NB: I don't "suffer" from it, though, it's just something I've been diagnosed with), I'm very excited by these developments. It gives me hope that I will see this disease go the way of Polio in my lifetime. This has really inspired me to continue in my training and to work even harder to achieve my goal.

My initial goal was to raise $750. As I write, my total is currently $820 and my new goal is $2000. I would love it if you could support me by sponsoring me via this link. I really appreciate your support. All donations, big and small, will help JDRF fund critical research such as this.


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