Hearing God's Voice Through the Word
Recently I was asked to lead a workshop on at a Youth
Councils on hearing God’s voice through the Bible. I approached this task as
someone who’s tried a few different methods of reading the Bible in a personal
private time and so I hoped to give some advice for those also on this journey
we call Christianity. I thought some of this might be helpful for a wider
Before asking how to read the Bible the first question
you need to ask is why we read the Bible at all. What’s
the purpose of setting aside a regular time for this task? The short answer is
that this is about relationship, not reading. The Bible has been one of
the main ways God has communicated with his people and I’m convinced that he
hasn’t decided to abandon it today. The primary purpose, then, is not
to say that we’ve read the Bible cover to cover, or for sermon preparation, or
for academic research, as important as all of those things can be. Rather the
purpose is to commune with God. In this sense, then, the purpose of the Bible
reading that I’m talking about here is a form of prayer.

Next, set yourself a pattern to follow. We are
creatures of habit and so a reading plan can be a helpful thing. I’ve tried a
few different ones and it only takes a quick Google search of “Bible Reading
Plans” and you will find hundreds of them. The one I am currently using is the Daily
Office (http://justus.anglican.org/resources/bcp/lectionary.pdf)
from the Book of Common Prayer. Although I recognise we’re talking about
a personal private reading of Scripture here, I also like the thought that
there are thousands of other Christians reading through these same passages on
the same day as me, hearing from God through these same readings. My suggestion
here is to start small, perhaps just with the Gospel readings – we are Christians
don’t forget so the life of Christ is at the heart of our faith. Then you can
perhaps add on the Psalms as your pattern becomes better established, followed
by the New Testament reading and the Old Testament reading. Try different
approaches and see what works best. Remember, this is about relationship not
This leads nicely into my next suggestion. Stick with
your pattern, but DON’T feel guilty if you miss a day or two, or even a
week or more. This is one of the things that causes Christians to give up on
reading the Bible altogether. They set themselves a goal of reading the Bible in a year,
they start at the logical place you would start reading a “normal” book
(Genesis), get through it’s fifty chapters, move onto the excitement of Exodus,
and then find themselves confronted with Leviticus. Like the dreaded “wall” that
marathoners find themselves up against two-thirds of the way through their epic
journey, Christians can become disheartened if they give up at this point. So
common is this problem that it’s been regularly referred to as the “Leviticus
syndrome”. This is why I stress the point that this is about relationship
not reading. Imagine it this way; if you do successfully complete the task
of reading the Bible from cover to cover what will you do with the Bible then?
If it were a novel you would put the book onto your shelf and maybe pick
it up again a few years later to read it again. That’s not the way we read the
Bible. Christians will continue to read the Bible, over and over again. Since
we’re reading it for the purpose of relationship it doesn’t matter if we
miss a day or two, or even a week. Just pick up your plan for that day and
start from there. If your goal is to read the whole Bible, and if you
continue to follow a variety of plans, reading a variety of passages over the
course of your whole life then you can be very confident that you will,
in fact, read the whole Bible in your lifetime. Most likely, you will do so
several times. Does it matter if it’s in a particular order, or in a particular
timeframe? Not really. What is important is that we seek to hear from God
through one of the main means he has chosen to reveal himself to his people; through his Word.
Next, learn from others. Even though we’re talking
about a time to hear from God on our own here we must keep in mind that we
should never interpret the Bible alone. If questions are raised in your mind
about a passage, then ask a trained and trusted friend, or consult a good
commentary on it. Share things that are being revealed to you in a suitable
setting – a small group, for example. Remember, there’s no such thing as an
“individual Christian”. They don’t exist. All Christians, by virtue of the fact
that they are each “in Christ” are also “in the Body of Christ” and so we
should avoid (at all costs) any approach to the Christian life that attempts to
go it alone. Even the Lone Ranger had his “Kemosabe” (trusted friend)
Finally, since this is about relationship not reading
learn to listen as you read. Pray. Take time to be silent. Write down
distractions as they arise. Be still. As important as it is to actually read
the Bible this time should be more than just getting through the verses so that
you can tick a box on your reading plan. Listen to God and respond to him as you read.
These, of course, are not an exhaustive list of suggestions,
but I hope you find them helpful.
Thanks for that Adam. I'm currently using "Bible in one year" By Nicky Gumbal. I find it very good as there are three readings per day, which gives good variety especially in the 'Leviticus moments' and it's also relevant, topical and a great source of material to share with the guys for our Men's Life Group. Bill
ReplyDeleteThanks Bill.
Deleteit is great that you are writing consistently adam. keep them coming.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your encouragement Dick. I appreciate it.
DeleteI'm using the same one, I expect to finish it in about 4 years. :)