Doctrinal Maintenance
It’s no secret that I think the Doctrines of The Salvation
Army should be updated. I’ve written on that topic before and I’m definitely
not one who thinks of them as somehow beyond the need of revision. Whilst they
are historically significant, and the “Truth” that they point to is definitely
something (or should I say “someone”) that my faith is built upon, the actual
wording itself is cultural formed and so this in itself demands frequent
updating over time to ensure that they are doing their job in the best way they
Having said that, I also take my Officer’s covenant
seriously and it includes the following line.
“…to maintain the doctrines and principles of The Salvation Army…”
How do I reconcile a belief that the doctrines will always
require ongoing revisioning with a covenantal promise to “maintain” those very

Option one is that we treat the doctrines like a piece in a
museum. We take out the white gloves whenever we touch them, ensure that only
the trained and qualified deal with them, keep them locked behind bullet proof
glass, but ultimately we stop using them because our goal in this
understanding of “doctrinal maintenance” is preservation. Items in a museum
are no longer used for the purpose they were created for but only to give us an
indication of what they used to be used for.
This is not the way I intend on fulfilling my promise to
“maintain the doctrines”.

This is the way I understand and intend to fulfil my promise to “maintain the doctrines… of The Salvation Army.”
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