Worshiping Well

Over the last few years I've had the privilege to watch my wife's giftings as a worship leader blossom. She is a wonderful woman of God and leads people right up to the throne of God since it's a place she knows very well. She loves to worship and she loves to lead others in worship.

Another gift I have seen her begin to use is the ability to resource other worship leaders. After a little bit of encouragement she has begun a new blog entitled "worshipingwell' to broaden her horizons and share these wonderful gifts to a wider audience. I would encourage you to bookmark this site and return to it regularly as I'm sure there'll be a lot to come that will benefit you.


  1. Love that title Worshipingwell..as a nurse I love the word wellness..God Bless you richly in your endeavours..to share the gifts He has given you.through worshipingwell!


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