Moving ahead... with your help

This blog,, has been up and running now for just over two years. In that time there have been over 4000 individual page views from an audience all over the world. This has been greatly encouraging to see. I hope the ministry of this site continues to expand as we post on issues that are interesting, challenging and contribute to God's mission in and for the world.

In order to move ahead I've firstly changed the web address for this site. It is now located at Why not bookmark this new site in your favourites? Also, you can choose to "Follow" this site by clicking on the button on the right hand side of this screen. 

You can also help this site expand in the following ways...

Me and my crazy cat, Dash
  1. Suggest topics or questions for consideration or debate
  2. Submit a post. I would love to have guest contributors here.
  3. Comment on posts as they occur to contribute to the discussion
  4. Pray for me and this site.
You can contact me by emailing

Thanks again for your ongoing support. 

God bless



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